

問題:Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.




The Internet is one of the most important inventions for a couple of reasons.


First, it allows us to connect with a lot more peope from all over the world.

For example, we didin't use to keep in touch with foreigners who we met while traveling, but thanks to the improvements of the internet, we can maintain our relationship more easily by utilizing Facebook or e-mails.even though we don't reside together.


In additon, computers have changed our overall lifestyle.

For instance, now that we can combine our body and technology, it facilitates maintaining our health condition in optimal shape. Moreover, we can watch virtually all movies at home by subscribing to Netflix, instead of going to theater, so we can save much more money and time by comparison to the past.










問題::Some people believe that higher education is for all students. Other people believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students. Which opinion do you think is better and why?




I believe that higher education is only suitable for certain students for a couple of reasons. 


First, every student has a different preference.

For example, some people want to deepen their knowledge at an university, but some prefer working instead of studying. In fact, higher education is not necesarilly right, and no snowflakes fall in the same spot.


Second, all students who take a higher education had better having the same amount of knowledge.

Since filling the knowledge gap needs sufficient time, it is better to take a class with students who have almost the same amount of information. Hence, I think the higher education is only suitable for certain students.






問題:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely.




I agree that parents should restrict the TV program that are watched by their kids for a couple of reasons.


First, children should play outside rather than inside.

For example, by doing exercise such as, playing sports, they can cultivate overall social skills because they communicate with fellows. In addition, in the process of achieving their goals, they will learn how to overcome any hardship and adversity.


Second, watching TV for a long time has an adverse impact on their health.

For instance, sitting in chair while eating snacks is detrimental to their bodies and brain functions. Also, since most TV companies tend to broadcast negative news, such as terrorism, it could stoke anxiety over their daily lives so they sould be restricted time by parents.








問題:Some people prefer to work in the offices. Others would like to take the work to home. Which do you prefer and explain why.




I prefer working at home for a couple of reasons.


First, I don't need to commute for a long time.


For example, if I take a train as the way of commuting in Japan, I will get exhausted from just taking it since every train is packed with people during rush hour.


In addition, I can concentrate more on the work when I'm in my place because the room is extremely quite and peaceful.


Since there are full of coworkers at the office, it is much more difficult to maintain a high-quality performance due to the bustling environment. On the contrary, I can enhance my productivity when I work at my place because of the calm and familiar environment.









問題:One should live a relaxed life instead of always hurrying. Do you agree or disagree which the above statement? Why or why nor? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




I believe that people should live a relaxed life for a couple of reasons.


Firstly, living an unwinded life is more salutary for humans.

For example, unlike business men, people who live in rural areas don't get stressed out because they don't work for a hectic company and don't have any deadlines of projects Actually, they are more hospitable and do well at all times because they have plenty of time to comunicate with neighbors and families that affect their health conditions.


Secondly, they tend to live more eco-friendly.

For example, since residing in the countryside rich in nature can assist in interacting with humans and beautiful surroundings, we will be able to be more attentive to our environment. 

In fact, they are not inclined to be a materialistic and they are apt to recycle every material they used.




問題:What do you think the students should do in their vocations? Please include specific examples and details in your statement.



I think students should do two things in their vacation.


First, they should travel to distinct nations so that they will expand their perspectives.

For example, when we go on a journey to a new country, we have to accept the extremely different culture and lifestyle. This allows us to broaden our horizons that leads us to help comprehend diversity.


Moreover, university students should study diligently in academic spheres since faculty provides with a wide range of subjects.

For instance, by learning modern corporation law, we can launch a company complying with the statute. In addition, obtaining specialized knowledge in marketnig will help our future carrier because basic understanding is imperative to thrive when we work.


















問題:What kind of qualities should a good leader possess?Please state your opinion and give specific details and examples in your explanation.




I think influential leaders possess two elements.


First, they should have high integrity. 

For example, in order to maximize a team performance and productivity, they should build trust from colleagues, therefore, honesty is required. If they gain trust from coworkers, it will expedite overall work performance.


In addition, leaders should dedicate their endeavors to their team.

In terms of specialized skill, they definitely have to strive to improve at all times because their commitment will have a huge impact on the outcome. Moreover, their mental attitude influence among the team because this gets fellows going forward no matter how exhausted they are.