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問題:Talk about a book you have read that was important to you for some reason. Explain why the book was important to you. Give specific details and examples to explain your answer.





The book I have read that was important to me is "brain rules" for a couple of reasons.


First, I can expand my knowledge.


For example, since there are 12 chapters which is written about brain functions, I can procure a great amount of information by reading this book. Moreover, subsequent to reading it, I can utilize these useful tactics in our daily life.



In addition, I can enhance my productivity by understaning roles of our brain.


For instance, when it comes to memorizing vocaburary, we can relatively retain information by comprehending and appling these informative know-how because they can facilitate learnig.





reap : 収穫する

Genetically modified organism migh help reap a substantial number of crops.


daring : 大胆な

When I overthink the result of descision before implimenting, I cannot try daring challenges, which is not beneficial eventually.


coward : 臆病者

I'm not a coward basically.


roar : (動)(ライオンなどが)吠える (名)吠え声

I've never heard a tiger roaring in my life.


brood : (動)(鳥が)卵を抱く

The eggs which are brooded by that bird is about to hatch.








