2日目(independent essay)

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問題:Groups or organizations are an important part of some people's lives. Why are groups or organizations important to people? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.



Humans have been evolving over time by cooperating with each other or in group. Collaborating has a signifiant impact on our happiness and progress. Therefore, organizations such as companies and enterprises are extremely paramount because we have been enhancing our productivity and performance, which assists in thriving our lives. Also, uniting is necessary for human beings since we are a social animal.


First, we have been improving our standard of living by establishing groups or organizations. Indeed, many companies have contributed to society to flourish our way of living because we have succeeded in getting rid of virtually all life threats, such as predators like lions or diseases.

For example, we are able to cure almost all ailments, moreover animals which used to be human’s danger are basically domesticated by people so as to reinforce our living standards. In addition, working together allows us to create the more comfortable world because we have a tremendous number of researches that can solve any problems like environmental issues. Hence, we have been thriving our lives by working together that enable us to enhance our productivity and performance.


Another reason I believe organization and group are crucial is because we are a social animal, which need to take care of each other to survive. In fact, humans cannot subsist unless we collaborate each other because each individual is not capable of defeating bigger animals such as lions and tigers. For instance, when ancient people face stronger predators, they were able to overcome by means of fighting together because they could make clever strategies beforehand that helped kill other stronger animals. Moreover, humans brain is fixed to create a group by releasing brain chemicals called oxytocin, which allows us to feel comfortable when we are with other individuals. Accordingly, in order to survive our species, making organizations are considerably critical factor.


To sum up, after taking into the development of our life standard and to survive our species, it is incredibly essential to get together for people. Hopefully, more of individuals will comprehend the advantage of creating groups because it can assist our lives in thriving more and more.

